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Tag Archives: undergarments

Early Victorian Nightclothes; casual cosy attire for ladies


We hope you enjoy the articles and short stories presented here, and will join Kate in her adventures for many years to come. Upon request, you will receive an inscribed copy of Kate Tattersall Adventures in China with every donation of $10 or more plus shipping. Please use the Contact Page to provide your …

Early Victorian Undergarments; Part 3, pantalettes, pantalets, drawers, & bloomers


We hope you enjoy the articles and short stories presented here, and will join Kate in her adventures for many years to come. Upon request, you will receive an inscribed copy of Kate Tattersall Adventures in China with every donation of $10 or more plus shipping. Please use the Contact Page to provide your …

Early Victorian Undergarments; Part 2, chemises, camisoles, and a little on stays & corsets


We hope you enjoy the articles and short stories presented here, and will join Kate in her adventures for many years to come. Upon request, you will receive an inscribed copy of Kate Tattersall Adventures in China with every donation of $10 or more plus shipping. Please use the Contact Page to provide your …

Early Victorian Undergarments; Part 1, luxurious silk hose, colourful stockings, & socks


We hope you enjoy the articles and short stories presented here, and will join Kate in her adventures for many years to come. Upon request, you will receive an inscribed copy of Kate Tattersall Adventures in China with every donation of $10 or more plus shipping. Please use the Contact Page to provide your …

Early Victorian Undergarments; an introduction, and about silk


When Queen Victoria was crowned in 1837 the Romantic Era was still affecting fashion. Styles between 1837 and 1856 are sometimes known as Early Victorian, ending with the Crimean War and the invention of synthetic dyes, and it is a subject I never gave much consideration. It was only confusion …